Deer Fencing
Deer Fencing is critical for many areas of West Michigan, especially along the lake shore and the inland woods. There's nothing like waking up one morning and seeing your vegetables and flowers mowed down by a pack of Deer and the awful sickness you feel in your stomach of seeing nothing, but the stems left behind!
You can spend time spraying for Deer, but you'll need to do that after every rain. The one time you slip up will inevitably be the same night the Deer come to dine on your tasty garden salad. That's why you need a beautiful garden fence
to stop the Deer!
We design custom deer fencing for vegetable and perennial gardens to double as beautiful garden fencing, allowing vines to create privacy and lower-than-usual wire mesh panel to create a sense of openness rather than a feeling of being penned in.
Running Deer can jump over a couple of lanes of traffic if they want to, so I can't guarantee a deer would never jump through our screen, but it's unlikely, and so far has never happened. And just ask if you want a variation on the design; we are happy to help!
For other Garden Fencing ideas, click here.

We use 4x4 and 6x6 treated posts along with 1x4 panels framing the 4x2 galvanized wire mesh on both sides for a clean look.
We leave the upper panel open with rafters across the top to support vines and prevent Deer from jumping the fence; Deer don't like to jump an object if they can't sense how high the barrier is, and the top rafter seems to confuse them.

Protecting Your Vegetables
Take a Stance
This Deer fence completely surrounds the owner's outside kitchen, patio area, and the all-important vegetable garden.
Plans are in place to create a native garden between all the walls and the Deer Fence. Vines are also being planted at every post to one day cover the top of the fence in a cloud of vegetation and blooms.

Access to Your Garden
I love our gates! We use 2x2 strips to create the vertical slats. We used minimal slats on this design to preserve the owner's view of the lake.
The steps from the upper deck originally paralleled the second-floor screen porch; we turned them 90 degrees to connect the deck with the lower patio and outdoor kitchen.

Protection & Openess
Design for
Our design strikes a solid balance between protecting your vegetation from Deer and maintaining a sense of openness.
With the wire mesh panel just five feet off the ground, most individuals can see over the top, maintaining their views while keeping the Deer out.